Concrete Language Definition
Concrete language is defined as language that deals with readers' perceptions and thoughts (sound, smell, touch, taste, and sight) rather than abstract or visual language. A language that points to a hidden or impossible task can have meaning (Din et al., 2017). Clarity and explicitly of words is the main difference between figurative language and Concrete language. In other terms, the concept of concrete language refers to movements that can be read, touched, pronounced, and recognized over time.
The purpose of language is to explicit the brain interpretation of a speaker by choosing appropriate words. The choice of words depends upon the occasion. For example, the selection of the words will be more precise and formal if someone speaks about his academic qualification in an interview. In contrast, the same person chose sets of different words when telling a story to his friends. The language aims to tell another person what we need and what we think about a particular event. Depending upon the selection of the words, the language is sub-categorized as Abstract language, figurative language, and precise language. To express our feelings and thoughts, the selection of tangible or explicating senses such as excellent, hot, sight, bitter, sweet, shrill, grave, soft, complex, and many more are used to convert a standard into Concrete language.
What Is An Example Of Concrete Language?

For example: commonly, dissertation writing service said, "That room was unpleasant." This sentence is clear, but after listening to this sentence, the listener understands that the person did not like that room but is still confused about what makes the room unpleasant. The addition of actual or sensing words can enhance the sentences explicitly that make the room unpleasant. For example, after adding concrete terms, the above sentence seems like this:
"The room was cold, disinfectant smelling, overloaded with sick persons who were engaged in coughing, sneezing and screaming." The sensing words such as Screaming, cold, disinfectant smelling or overloaded make the sentence a part of concrete language. A language is a group of sentences that speaks in a logical flow. Many concrete sentences are incorporated in a logical flow to make the conversation more descriptive and meaningful in concrete languages.
What Is An Example Of A Concrete Sentence?
In general, thought or expression can be expressed in written communication and verbal communication. The structure and the selection of words equally affect both types of communication styles. The main problem in understanding language is that different people can interpret words differently in different situations. For this reason, it is essential to choose the language correctly and clearly. The more accurately and one uses the language, the less the message will be made. The incorporation of concrete nouns in the average sentence makes it a concrete sentence. Concrete nouns represent the name of things that a person can experience by using the sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of sight and purpose of touch. In contrast, the abstract nouns are precisely opposite to the Concrete noun. The abstract nouns express things that the five senses cannot feel.
A typical sentence: The judge gave files to his clerk. This sentence becomes concrete by adding concrete nouns, as mentioned earlier, like the judge handed files to the clerk. Similarly, other examples of concrete sentences include,
1. Last night we took the dog to the beach; it spends hours watching the waves.
2. The bookbinder replaced the filmy paper cover with a rough cloth paper board.
The concrete nouns, Handed, Watching, and Rough, make concrete sentences in the examples mentioned above.
What is the Difference Between Concrete and Precise Language?

The difference between the precise and concrete languages lies in the appropriate nouns. The specific
language used precise nouns, while the concrete languages use concrete nouns more frequently. Common nouns such as game, cake, cat and dogs sometimes create confusion, so precise nouns such as Monopoly, Ceramal Cake, Swiss cat, and German shepherd are precise nouns used to avoid such confusions. However, the precise nouns are not linking these characters with five senses which is the purpose of concrete nouns. The purpose of both these languages, Precise and concrete, is to convey well thought out thoughts to the reader, but sensing nouns makes concrete language differ from precise language.
language used precise nouns, while the concrete languages use concrete nouns more frequently. Common nouns such as game, cake, cat and dogs sometimes create confusion, so precise nouns such as Monopoly, Ceramal Cake, Swiss cat, and German shepherd are precise nouns used to avoid such confusions. However, the precise nouns are not linking these characters with five senses which is the purpose of concrete nouns. The purpose of both these languages, Precise and concrete, is to convey well thought out thoughts to the reader, but sensing nouns makes concrete language differ from precise language.
· Din, C.C., Hähnle, R., Johnsen, E.B., Pun, K.I. and Tarifa, S.L.T., 2017, September. Locally abstract, globally concrete semantics of concurrent programming languages. In International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (pp. 22-43). Springer, Cham.
· Heinrichs, M., Schlechtweg, M. and Linnenkohl, M., Phonetic variation in German supposedly identical singular-plural nouns. In BOOK OF ABSTRACTS (p. 125).